Choose Yourself
How to find your person from a place of high self-worth, security, and wisdom.

Do any of these describe you?

  • You really want to fall in love and be in a relationship.
  • You’re worried you’re never going to meet someone.
  • ​You want someone who values you, not just desires you.
  • ​You struggle with asserting your needs and boundaries in dating and romantic relationships.
  • ​You want to stop chasing and start attracting.
  • ​Outside of a relationship, you feel confident, but as soon as you meet someone you like, you feel out of control and anxious you’ll be abandoned.
  • ​You’re struggling to walk away from a situationship.
  • ​​You ignore your intuition often when it comes to dating and love.
  • ​You fall in love easily and end up getting your heart broken often.
  • ​You betray yourself in order to be enough for someone and chosen.
  • ​You try to be chosen, and rarely every see yourself as the “chooser”.
  • ​You want to be able to choose yourself but you don’t know how to.
  • ​You tend to ignore important red flags and get your heart broken.
  • ​You’re confused if your standards are too low or unrealistic.
  • ​You tend to give your heart away too easily.
  • ​You tend to lose yourself in relationships, making someone the central character in your story before they’ve earned the role.
If you're afraid that you'll never find the right person,
I see you.
Who we choose to partner with is one of the most important decisions we will ever make. Even though I don't believe there's just one person out there for us, there are certainly those who are far better for us than others. The wrong partner exists. And yet, most people will choose that wrong person who could never be the kind of partner they need and deserve. Why do we do this? And even more importantly, how do we choose the right one? 

It begins with self-worth. 

Dating culture today is challenging. Because of hook-up culture, many people are treating others as if they're disposable, and it's not ok. Emotional unavailability is rampant, and it's exhausting. I know because I read what you message me and I know many of you feel defeated

Now is the time to become the protector of your heart and boundaries. The only way to break patterns and find healthy love is to choose yourself. And I’m going to teach you exactly how to do that.


  • Five 90-120 minutes long pre-recorded masterclasses with Q&A.
  • Unlimited access to all the recordings.


  • How to build your self-love so much that you never settle again.
  • How exactly to choose yourself.
  • How to meet very high quality people.
  • How to be more secure and less anxious in dating.
  • How to communicate your needs effectively.
  • Plus much, much more. 


  • Immediate access to every single one of my courses, workshops, masterclasses and workbooks, including "Choose Yourself." 
  • Immediate access to a private Facebook global community of all women. I give advice and feedback there weekly. 
  • Weekly zoom sessions with me to get advice. 
  • Monthly Live workshops with me and very special guests. 
  • A community of like-minded women where you feel supported and loved! 


  • Five 90-120 minutes long pre-recorded masterclasses with Q&A.
  • Unlimited access to all the recordings.


  • How to build your self-love so much that you never settle again.
  • How exactly to choose yourself.
  • How to meet very high quality people.
  • How to be more secure and less anxious in dating.
  • How to communicate your needs effectively.
  • Plus much, much more. 


  • Immediate access to every single one of my courses, workshops, masterclasses and workbooks, including "Choose Yourself."  
  • Immediate access to a private Facebook global community of all women. I give advice and feedback there weekly.   
  • Weekly zoom sessions with me to get advice.  
  • Monthly Live workshops with me and very special guests.   
  • A community of like-minded women where you feel supported and loved!
$97.00 USD
What You'll Get
  • Five 90-120 minutes long pre-recorded masterclasses with Q&A. 
  • Unlimited access to all the recordings. 
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$97.00 USD
What You'll Get 
  • Five 90-120 minutes long pre-recorded masterclasses with Q&A.
  • Unlimited access to all the recordings.

Click here to learn about our refund policy. 

Questions? Please email

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Here's what people are saying about Jillian's Courses.

"Jillian has a way of getting through to you without coddling you. This course gave me insight into the self-appraisal and agency necessary not just to have a fulfilling relationship, but to be a fulfilled person."


"After years of repeatedly dating the wrong people, I finally decided to invest in myself and work with Jillian. Not only did she help me change the way I see myself, she helped me fix my "picker" and now I am literally in the most loving and healthy relationship."


I was really impressed with the quality of the course content. Jillian consistently over-delivers week after week. I love her pragmatic and real approach to her teachings and I’ve learned so many valuable things that have helped me enormously. This is such a brilliant course for anybody who is seeking to cultivate a relationship with depth and fulfilment. Highly recommended!

- Caitlin

"What was different about Jillian's approach is her strong beliefs and coaching are all based on starting internally. Really doing the deep internal work it takes to be a healthy partner. She coaches every situation by starting with evaluating our own contribution to the issue in the relationship, and where that stems from. She takes it a step further and challenges the beliefs we have. She teaches the tools necessary to calm the mind. That's new for me. And that's how I live now. And it's helped me build a beautifully healthy relationship."


"To say this course, along with all your podcasts and videos, have changed me is not an exaggeration. I have never loved myself this much before, if ever. I feel like I have a super power. I ended an almost 30 year relationship I had with a married man because it is no longer what I need/want. I am a fall-for-the-chemistry girl. A few weeks into a new guy and I'm trying to make it last forever. I'd always feel like I was in a plane flying high in the sky, then all of sudden, we lost power and stalledl. I now know why. I am my north star. The peace and feeling of love for myself is the course I will stay on. I'm filling my cups and not looking for someone to fill them. Weeks 1 and 4 were life-changing. Thank you isn't a strong enough word, but sincerely...thank you."


"This “Choose Yourself” series has been so empowering it’s hard to even put words to it. It has come at such a perfect time for me post toxic relationship and the wisdom that Jillian shares is just so beyond helpful I can’t even tell you. It’s just amazing the experience, kindness, advice, wisdom, relatability and intelligence this woman has. Thank you Jillian for doing the work that you are doing and sharing it with the world. You are changes lives and you have helped change mine. Everyone needs a Jillian, we as humans are up against so much and so much to navigate in relationships, choosing yourself is simple but not easy. Jillian makes is so much easier. "

- Jamie

Too many people give their power away in relationships because they never learned how to value themselves.

They’ll put their lives on hold while they anxiously wait for someone’s text.

They’ll abandon their personal goals and dreams for a relationship that isn’t fulfilling.

They wait to be chosen by the unavailable.

They say yes when they want to say no.

They give and give until they’re exhausted.

They don’t communicate for fear of pushing someone away.

They give second chances to the people who didn’t treat them well.

But it’s not too late to learn.
Jillian Turecki
Why I Created This Course
My mission is to help (mostly) women break free of the societal norms and conditioning that have convinced them that their value is determined by being "chosen." Because of this cultural hypnosis, I see countless people trying to be chosen by those who they know could never add value to their lives. Additionally, because of the obsession with being chosen, they are expecting their love interests/partners to move mountains for them, when really that very person who they want so badly to choose them has too large of a mountain to move within themselves to be able to show up anyway. It is a really big mind f*ck when we fall for someone who we don't feel emotionally safe with, or chosen by. But when we don’t see our value or we’re top afraid to be alone, we start to play games with ourselves. The game being: let me do everything I can to be CHOSEN - even if it means ignoring my needs.

This is not a fluffy course. These 5 weeks will challenge you to look deep within yourself and find a strength and wisdom inside of you that you didn’t know existed. If you want to learn how to choose yourself, you have to be willing to lose some old beliefs and patterns. This course will show how. 


 Is this a live course?
No. It was recorded this year, and you get unlimited access to all five recordings, some of them are close to two hours long.
 What if I'm too busy to commit to a course right now?
You can watch the recordings at your own convenience!
  What if I have more questions before signing up?
We’re here to help! Feel free to contact our support team via email or live chat. We’ll be happy to answer any additional questions you have and help you decide if this course is right for you.
 What is your refund policy?
Please review our Refund Policy before purchasing. If you have any questions, email

"I made a promise to myself that I would commit to my healing journey by going through it wholeheartedly with Jillian as my guide. I am incredibly grateful I made this vow to myself because from that moment on signing up for her program has shifted something within me. To heal oneself is a complex journey as each individual is experiencing something different given their backgrounds, environments, nervous systems etc and yet, Jillian finds a way to make her site accessible, incredibly thorough and relevant for everyone. She finds the common thread within the human experience and offers countless tools, stories, prompts to begin the introspective journey that is required in healing. She is hands down one of the most skilled experts out there in the game.”

- Katherine

Have another question?

Shoot us an email at and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!


The first step for finding healthy love, is knowing your value, and understanding not just what you want, but what you NEED.

You deserve a healthy, loving relationship. Period.